Visualization Project - Elements of Plot

For my visualization project, I decided to do a info-graphic to help inform students about the elements of plot. I think this would be a very helpful handout for them to use when going through other short stories and novels, and using it to help them identify these points throughout the text.

I chose the info-graphic because it allowed me to explain each element of a story, while also using pictures of an actual movie to help show examples of each. I ended up writing a small excerpt for each element along with a question to help them understand the meaning behind each element. These questions could help them during other texts and allow them to identify these elements on their own.
With the visual, I included scenes from the first Harry Potter movie, to provide an example using actual scenes from the movie. This example would help them find other examples in other texts. What I like about this info-graphic, is that I can change up the movie that I would want to use to help better relate to my students. This would allow them to better generalize to other texts and movies as well.

 Creating the visualization was helpful for me, because it allowed me to better understand the material as well. I liked being able to look up rising action, climax, and falling action moments for the movie Harry Potter. It gave me a better understanding of what each element entailed. This can definitely help me better teach my students this content, along with helping me pinpoint which parts of the story relate to which element.  


  1. Great info graphic, I used the same template and it worked very well. How you broke down the elements of the plot was done well, it was thorough, but each elements description was lean and gave the reader the information needed. Using Harry Potter, a widely known story, also helps the students who are familiar with the story, because they may have recognized what went on in Harry Potter, but now can understand them in terms of the 5 elements of a story. Nice work!

  2. Nicole,
    I love how you used visuals from a beloved film and book series to teach story elements. The pictures correspond well to the story elements you define, and the layout helps students to be able to bounce between the images and text easily. Also, the colors you chose nicely coordinate with the harry potter theme, great job!
    -Cassandra Diehl

  3. Great work I love the set up and how you used Harry Potter into it. I also like how you picked that movie because everyone knows of it and can relate to it and to match it up with the 5 elements of the story. Nice work.

  4. Nicole,
    I think this is a great infographic! Relating the material to Harry Potter is great today, as many people grew up reading Harry Potter and/or watching the movies. I like how you mentioned you could easily change the pictures to scenes of a different story or movie to make it more relatable to your students in the future. I think staying relatable and choosing context that is familiar to the students is important so they can make connections. I also really liked how you incorporated questions into the infographic. Questions help generate thinking in students, so this is a good starting point for them to think about the different elements of a plot in a story they are currently reading.

  5. I think it's great that you decided to make this infographic appealing to students through connecting it to a theme that they are familiar with! As a viewer, it is engaging to be interested in the material. I also think that you chose key points that help students understand the material.

  6. Nicole,
    Nice job with your infographic. It is designed really well, the layout is clean, and the colors compliment each other well. When I read the information on plot, a few thoughts came up. There are many narratives that don't follow these elements at all, especially experimental literature and post-modernist writing. It could be interesting to ask students if they've experienced a text or visual narrative that doesn't align with the five elements you mention.

  7. Nicole,

    This is awesome! Way to use Harry Potter appropriate colors!
    This is a super effective tool for familiarizing students with plot structure, as it visually engaging and connected to a commonly-known story. Great idea. I would love to use something similar in my future classroom. It's so important to connect to student interests whenever possible, and you certainly did that!

  8. Hi Nicole,

    I liked how you mentioned that finding the parts of the story-line that fit the elements of plot helped you understand better how they worked. I think this would be a fun way to tie them into your teaching as well: You could have them draw out scenes that they think best depict each part of the plot in a story that you're reading as a class. It would be a nice alternative to the standard of writing short answers to questions about the plot.


  9. Hi Nicole,

    I was super excited to see your infographic! I am a big fan of the Harry Potter series and I felt drawn to this image. I think it's really great that you used a culturally relevant series to relate to your students. I think that alone will make the students more comfortable with expressing themselves in your classroom. As someone who is going to be an ESL teacher, this is the type of resource I would use to show my students how to properly write a short story.

    -Maria Donadio (Hufflepuff)

  10. This is a very visually pleasing info-graphic. I love the cohesiveness of the colors and text, and it highlights the main points perfectly without too much text. The chronological order from top to bottom makes it easy to follow. I think this will attract many students attention because you used a pop culture reference that many are familiar with.

  11. This illustration is very engaging because of how it’s designed. The language that you use is straight-forward, and the images are easy to understand. It’s also nice that you used a story that’s very familiar to so many people which would help students connect what they already to know to new information. I also like when a strategy or learning tool is versatile and can be adapted to the needs of the classroom. I think it makes it very useful for the classroom. Teachers don’t always have the time to do new strategies and students can become comfortable with using this approach or infographic template. Do you think that teachers should have more than one example in case a student has religious beliefs that prohibit them from using Harry Potter as an example or for other reasons? If so, then what would be some other examples that could be used?

  12. Hi Nicole,

    I think this is a very clever infographic. The reference to popular culture is a great way to pull students in, and the content you've included is explained simply and logically. It truly conveys these big ideas that you want to stick without much effort or compartmentalizing on the students' part. The organization makes it easy to follow and it's easy on the eyes. Well done!

    -Aileen Kung

  13. Nicole, this is great! I understood every description of each section of a plot and was drawn in by the choice of images. I love the Harry Potter series! This will definitely draw your students in! The steps are clear and concise and the color pallet fits the movie scene very well. You could easily switch the images out for any Movie that would be appealing to your students. Nice job!


  14. First of all, I loved that you used Harry Potter as your example story, not just because I am a huge fan but because it is so relevant. I cannot think of anybody who has not read or seen a Harry Potter movie. Also, the writing of the series is amazing as well as the movies and one can clearly see with your images how they relate to the steps of each element of a story. The design is great, it fits with the movie and was done very well and is very cohesive and easy to follow. It also grabs your attention with how bold it is which is very important for all students, I am so sick of seeing a white and black paper. Each elements description was short and to the point and gave the reader the information needed which was also great. I love it!

  15. Good job, Nicole. This is a great infographic for explaining the elements of plot. I like how you took the plot from a popular series as an example that many students may be familiar with. This will help them organize their thoughts and connect to the ideas better.

  16. Nicole,
    I can tell you've placed elements of the infographic carefully and thoroughly throughout your piece. Over all, well done! I think this will be a great implementation to the reading activities that you plan on teaching. I also chose to make an infographic and it's safe to say that we are on the same wavelength as far as how this sort of project contributed to our understanding of the content. Once again, brava.


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